Monday, January 26, 2009


By Gven55

I have been working with a woman for a few weeks now, that has many demons within her. She has been living in this condition for years and when she came to see us, she could not make eye contact and was done with life.

Well, Friday I met with her privately to talk about anything she wanted to talk about. This is my way of keeping in contact with her and finding out what to do next.

When she sat down by me, I got a since that something was about to happen. She talked for sometime while I listened naturally and spiritually. Finally, she said, "I need to say something".

She leaned forward and started to stutter. I began to pray quietly for release. She got a few words out. "God, I want..." She became I encouraged her to continue to try and speak out. Finally, after quite some time she stammered out.."God, I want your will to be done in me."

She began to shake and her hands pulled up, contorted, to her chest. I got up and pulled a chair up to face her. Her eyes where dark and flashing back and forth. She spoke.."Maybe I should leave. You are alone." I told her, not to worry. I have done this a many a time by myself. God is my cover.

I then noticed that her hands were bright red. I told her that the only time I have ever seen this was with IV drug users. She admitted that she had, in the past been a IV drug user. I asked God what he was trying to tell me.

He showed me that a spirit of bondage had gotten a hold of her while she was injecting drugs. I began to pray against this spirit. She stated that she was going to leave. I commanded her to sit. She then stated she was going to yell at me. I commanded the spirit to be quiet. While all this is being said, I continued to pray that she be set free.

She coughed, she yawned, she was on the floor, she was on the couch. She was on her knees, she was on her face. She would call to God and then she would stop talking all together. She crawled across my living room with me right behind her.

Finally, I got my oil. When I touched her with the oil, she screamed in pain. but, as I commanded the spirit to leave, she fell to the floor. Released, freedom.

But, I could tell, as she could tell, we were not done. She was, however, free from bondage. We prayed together and thank God for his anointed timing.

Last night, two days later, she showed up on my door step. Her husband in tow, she stated something was wrong. She was suicidal and wanting to hurt not only herself but, her husband.

My husband and myself started to pray for her. I was just thinking she needed some peace prayed over her but, that was not the case. Again, she began to manifest and again she was delivered. I have no idea what it was that left her this time. But, it did leave. When it left, she fell on her face and praised the Lord.

I have never met someone so determined. She is stubborn, in a good way. Willing to go through horrible manifestations to be free.

God has met her every time and honored her stubbornness. She will have a lot to offer the kingdom when she is completely free. This deliverance, is happening by layers. This is according to God's plan and timing. And we know that His timing is perfect.

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